Monday, May 11, 2015

2015-05-10 Instructional Technology Newsletter

Instructional Technology  News and Useful Tips.
May 8, 2015
Contents: Instructional Technology Workshop; Reading DayTechnology Workshop; LMS Survey Raw Results

Upcoming Instructional Technology Events

Instructional Technology Faculty Workshop
MS Excel and Google Sheets: Comparisons and Contrasts
Thursday, May 14
11:30 and 5:30
A. C. Buehler Library Fish Bowl
This workshop will look at some of the similarities and some of the differences between MS Excel and Google Sheets. It is not meant to be a comprehensive look at either system.

Reading Day Technology Workshop
Monday, May 18
9:00 - 1:00
A. C. Buehler Library Fish Bowl
This Reading Day workshop will be primarily focused on the LMS selection process. The Library Staff, other interested parties, and I, will be demonstrating the basic operation of the final candidates for the next LMS when the contracts with Blackboard and D2L end next summer and the following, respectively.

There will be some refreshments at 9:00 before the first demonstrations, which will run to about 11:30, followed by Library Updates, and finally, lunch at 12.  If you will stay for lunch, please RVSP to Brenda Williams at

Instructional Technology News

Initial Results of the Learning Management Survey
As one part of the initial selection of potential Learning Management Systems (LMSs) for Elmhurst College when the Blackboard and D2L contracts end this summer and next, respectively, all students, faculty and staff were invited to participate in a survey. The survey is an attempt to add user preferences and experiences into the selection process. The survey is now closed and the raw results are available at LMS Survey Results.

We received over 150 responses, of which over half were from students. Automatic color coding formulas were incorporated to draw attention to the most significant answers, the significance being based on the reported familiarity the respondent had with the particular system. A three or higher familiarity was encoded in green, with darker green indicating greater familiarity. The opinions expressed for each LMS were color coded for the significant familiarity levels, with red indicating a strong negative opinion, and increasing levels of approval coded in ever darker shades of blue.

Please remember that this is only the very earliest stage of the selection process.  Instructional Technology, the Library, and Information Systems will be evaluating these systems on other criteria, but the opinions of students and faculty will remain a guiding force throughout the process.

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