Sunday, February 15, 2015

2015-02-15 Instructional Technology Newsletter

Instructional Technology  News and Useful Tips.
February 13, 2015
Contents: Blackboard reboots, Prezi workshop recording, Google search tricks, and an answer to a Prezi question

News From Information Services

Scheduled Blackboard Reboots

Because of an error in either Java or Blackboard software, a periodic reboot of Blackboard is necessary to prevent system slowdowns.  OIS has determined that the best way to accomplish this is to have a scheduled reboot each week on Saturday at 2:00 a.m.  The reboot will not take more than a couple of minutes and reminders will be posted on the portal.

Instructional Technology News

Prezi - More Than Just A PowerPoint Replacement

The Office of Instructional Technology in the Center for Scholarship and Teaching presented two Prezi workshops on Thursday, February 12.  A screen recording with audio of the noon-time workshop is now available at:
This is a recording of the live workshop, so what it lacks in polish is made up for with its spontaneity.


Interesting and Fun Stuff with Google Search

  1. Need a quiz or presentation timer?  Again, in a Google search bar (the URL bar in a Chrome browser, otherwise) type: set timer 5 minutes

    Change the time to what you need.  The timer starts immediately, but can be reset.  You can go full-screen with the “interrupted box” figure.
  2. Need a fast forecast?  Type Elmhurst Illinois weather in the search bar (see first item).
  3. Need your search results to do a flip?  In a Google Search bar, type: do a barrel roll
    It isn’t good for anything, but it is a clever diversion

Question of the Week

Can you copy frames from one Prezi to another like you can copy PowerPoint slides from one presentation to another?

This question came up in the second Prezi workshop.


You can copy any object in a Prezi and then paste that object into another Prezi.  First, select the object you wish to copy.  If it is an entire frame, make sure tframe is outlined in the blue selection box.  Type “Ctrl-c” or equivalent on the Mac.

Next, open the target Prezi and select the location for the copied object.  When you click on the canvas a text box will open, click outside of it to get rid of it.  Now type “Ctrl-v” or equivalent on the Mac.

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